Deras vision är att leverera en ny upplevelse inom mode underkläder för män med det manliga sättet att leva. Vi vill att du ska sätta nya standarder och uttrycka dig själv och din mångfald med början i dina underkläder. Vi bryter mot normer inom mode och skapar nöje i designen av herrunderkläder, och lämnar de traditionella och enkla tråkiga underkläderna bakom oss.
Vårt motto är nu och för alltid: "Vi gör vad vi gör för att vi älskar det".
En vision som MaddoxUnderwear står bakom till 100%
Vi fick möjlighet att ställa några frågor till Christos Dimitriadis som jobbar som Director of Sales & Marketing på Modus Vivendi:
Does fabric matter in underwear?
In our case fabric does matter indeed, cause MODUS VIVENDI uniqueness is primarily based on the unexpected use of fabrics
Can you work out in any underwear type and fabric?
It is not about the fabric and the type, rather that the ability to transform them both to an original brand new style and MODUS VIVENDI designs prove this since 1989.
On average how many washes are recommended for a pair of underwear?
Is a dozen of years enough?
Tighter the better?
MODUS VIVENDI undies are tighter than other brands indeed, however there is always the alternative to go a size up
Where do you see your brand in the next 5 years, do we see a trend change?
Nobody can forecast such a change, cause MODUS VIVENDI is a way of life and as soon as life changes MODUS VIVENDI follows
Are men becoming more secure in themselves to wear more excentric styles?
The more men become open minded, the better their underwear will look like
What models do you recommend for those of large package and to those with a smaller package for best comfort?
MODUS VIVENDI pouches are functional enough to fit them both
Should men in their later years also consider to wear these underwear?
It is not a matter of age but a matter of mood and way of living!